CADSpotting: Robust Panoptic Symbol Spotting on Large-Scale CAD Drawings

Jiazuo Mu†,1,2, Fuyi Yang†,1,2, Yanshun Zhang2, Junxiong Zhang1,2, Yongjian Luo1, Lan Xu1, Yujiao Shi1, Jingyi Yu‡,1, Yingliang Zhang‡,2,
1ShanghaiTech University 2DGene Digital Technology
Indicates Equal Contributions, Indicates Corresponding author


Our CADSpotting accurately identifies and segments symbols in CAD drawings, thereby enhancing the efficiency of tasks such as 3D interior modeling. The approach employs a dense point sampling method within a unified point cloud processing model to improve primitive feature representation. Additionally, a Sliding Window Aggregation technique is incorporated during inference to facilitate panoptic symbol spotting in large-scale CAD drawings.


We introduce CADSpotting, an efficient method for panoptic symbol spotting in large-scale architectural CAD drawings. Existing approaches struggle with the diversity of symbols, scale variations, and overlapping elements in CAD designs. CADSpotting overcomes these challenges by representing each primitive with densely sampled points, described by essential attributes like coordinates and colors. Building upon a unified 3D point cloud model for joint semantic, instance, and panoptic segmentation, CADSpotting learns robust feature representations. To enable accurate segmentation in large, complex drawings, we further propose a novel Sliding Window Aggregation (SWA) technique, combining weighted voting and Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS). Moreover, we introduce a large-scale CAD dataset named LS-CAD to support our experiments. Each floorplan in LS-CAD has an average coverage of 1,000 m2 (versus 100m2 in the existing dataset), providing a valuable benchmark for symbol spotting research. Experimental results on FloorPlanCAD and LS-CAD datasets demonstrate that CADSpotting outperforms existing methods, showcasing its robustness and scalability for real-world CAD applications.

Pipeline Overview

Pipeline Overview

Overview of the CADSpotting method: Given a CAD drawing as input, CADSpotting first densely samples points along CAD graphic primitives to build a comprehensive point cloud representation, with each point defined by its coordinates and color. Next, Point Transformer V3 (PTv3) serves as the backbone, extracting robust features from the sampled points. We then apply mixed pooling to obtain the primitive-level features. Finally, a streamlined Transformer decoder is used for efficient panoptic symbol spotting.


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